
Sunday, April 1, 2018

Simple Plan's Perfect

Sunday, April 1, 2018
Back in our era where english pop was hapz, remember Simple Plan's Perfect? haha.

Today, I just wondered if not putting in 100% was alright. Not submitting a perfect piece of work is alright? But I a certain that this piece of work has been 90% or 95% my brainjuice, sweat and tears.

So I edited the ENTIRE paper and I know it is not perfect. Especially for 1 question. I left it as that and went off to relax on this Sunday afternoon.
Is it okay to submit a piece of work knowing that it is not your 100%?
I used to be a high achiever, but never a perfectionist. And as I grow older, I learnt that my personal well-being is of utmost importance. So I left my workdesk.

Today, I still detest this entire repeated process as much. But the fact is that I am just a Year 3, and my maiden Sec 4 hundred mark exam paper. I think it is justifiable to have submitted that shitty standard of draft number 1? But do others think this way? Do my superiors demand more from me? Do they have greater expectations of me?

I am learning. It is a steep and DREADED learning curve. I think it is okay to make mistakes. Haha. Its funny but I on almost on the verge of forgoing my personal goals of any future leadership roles. Just let me waddle in my current workload. Heh.

It is Week 3 tmr! 4 more weeks to exams! Hang in there AY and you, who is reading my blog :)

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