
Friday, July 12, 2013


Friday, July 12, 2013
Phases of life.
There was a period of time where orientation pics flooded Facebook Timeline, and then the fairytale-like 21st birthday parties, followed by the montage of friends in graduation robes.
Doesn't it feel surreal that Friends have graduated while many are still 'left' behind? Next year this time will be my turn, how will I smile, how brightly? How carefree-ly? At this moment in time, Im very excited for that day. The day I step to embark on another big challenge in life. A small challenge when compared with all odds but at that moment, it is a gargantuan challenge to take on.

This is one of the best vacations Ive ever had. Best in procrastination, with tonnes to prepare for school and my thesis, but everything is relegated because I wanna do things that I desired. Things I would not be able to try once this summer is over. Experiences like waitressing, cosmetics promoter, promoter for a dubious drink, reading Korean storybooks, dazing, daydreaming.  You know what bliss is?
Bliss is laying on the sofa with my ears plugged in and letting my mind wander. Its the BEST FEELING ON EARTH. A feeling that's a luxury during school term and one which I cherished so much. I have been meeting groups of people and individuals, from ALL WALKS OF MY LIFE.

Primary school friend whom I have not met since Sec 1 - Szewaiy
My Geog seniors - Sijin Felicia
My Korean class clique - Sijin Susan
My NUS Clique those that helped me through Uni life - Sita Joanne Cheryl Shur
Best Friend - Seowhwee
Best Friend - Jingjing Hurry return home!!!!!!! Miss you!
Leo Club Friend - Tihyong
Exchange clique - Mavis Clarice Sukriti Jim
CCA Juniors - Joleen Niantee Val Jess
CCA Seniors - Zoeraine Xinlei
Ukiss fan friend - Yanying
JC Clique - Yuans Sherlyn Vish
NUS lunch buddies clique - Nani and Sita
MOE friend - Kim
I haven't met Census Colleagues, Greeny Gang, MOE clique, Cheryl Low, Kianlam :( ...

Sometimes, there are so many people I have yet to meet and it feels so convenient to let go of some. Through different phases of our lives, different groups of people take precedence in friendship; it takes effort to hold onto the rest.

Im not complaining. And Im utterly grateful. :)

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