
Thursday, April 11, 2013


Thursday, April 11, 2013
My friends are graduating. That day, was 'Time Capsule Day' theme!!! haha. WE SHARED TIME CAPSULE stories hahaha!!!!! As you know, AY loves sharing about her peculiar life. When childhood friends used to visit my house, I would introduce them to every drawer and cupboard and shelf telling stories about everything! They said I could be a reporter in future.
Yes! I retrieved every item gently from my metal time capsule and recounted stories about every significant item! and the amazing thing is that I COULD RECALL EVERY  SPECIFIC NAME AND DETAIL OF EVERYONE RELATED TO ANY ONE STORY!!!!! -MYAWESOMEMIND-
and Sita shared her $100 worth of neoprints with me. We even shared stories with the deck cleaner aunty who was intrigued, haha it was quite heartwarming a sight to see. Did the aunty reminisce about her past too? Were there regrets, or bittersweet memories, were the memories still clear like water? Did she feel the love too? 

When we were young, we did the most sincere and naiive things that meant so much to us at that point in time. We were braver back then. Much braver. All the confessions, 10k run, and 'seeking to befriend strangers'... Trivial goals that we fought so hard for - I read several dozen storybooks in primary school just to earn badges haha. The sincere hand-made dog. My earnest ambition to be a DJ... All these seemed guileless now, but back then, these were the goals I sought hard for.
I seldom open this box.  Opening it was special. Cos every scene seemed to have re-enacted in my mind as I retell the story. Maybe the events were just too special, I had to share it with someone.

I will miss my precious lunch buddies. I don't know how I'd have survived 3 years in Uni without my friends. Its surreal to see people graduating and transiting into the workforce. Their academic knowledge somehow, comes to a halt. They then learn on-the-go, no longer through readings and lectures. I would always reflect on how I struggle to cope with academics in school and desire for my knowledge to come to a standstill too, but no, the world continues spinning...
Oh, I have always thought that Im the only child, therefore I might hold onto friendships more strongly than other things in life???
I grasp, to imprint them into memory.


tata(: said...

Just cause you said no one reads your blog anymore! Here I am! <33

Sita (your precious Wednesday lunch buddy/ mushroom friend/ fellow dinosaur club member)

ay.starsplash said...

Haha ^^! cant wait for our study-till-sunset day :D

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