
Sunday, August 23, 2015


Sunday, August 23, 2015
At this exhibit at the night festival, men in glowing suits of tiny lightbulbs roamed the dark.  Sometimes, they approached individuals and began by staring at them, making eye contact, before slow motion actions of placing stereo headphones over their ears.
They made eye-contact, as though seeking consent from these chosen participants.  Some audience behind me said "you've got to be the chosen" (by these glowing fellows) in order to get the chance to listen to the secret messages through the headphones.

I approached the glowing man.  I wanted to hear the secret messages about love and life. In phrases and poems.
He imitated my stance.  Hands held in front of me, and stepped closer to me while I continued smiling.  He did not speak.  I believe each of these fellows sought permission from the audience through body langauge, and then tried to create the atmosphere of concentration and seriousness before placing the headphones...
The audio was special.  I would say that it is emo... It talked about life, the self and it was a reflective narrative.  I couldnt comprehend much of it at first listen except the final phrase "what's left of you are the debris in the mirror"... something melancholic along these lines.

I know.  These light bulb men tried to bring audience into a simulated world of self-reflection.  Perhaps if I had comprehended the poem, I would have left feeling sombre.  But I couldnt even comprehend much of what I had heard so I wasnt able to explain it to K.  Except that "it was something emo" ...

But I managed to hear it! Does that mean that I am one of the chosen ones? haha Still living in my mystical realm.
But but.  In the photo, there was a magical element in it.  There are blue sparks around my head! Where the earphones are!!! K also wondered why there is blue glitter around my head in the photo!

Such cheap thrills made my day, alongside a sprinkle of fantasy.

On some days, the Town comes Alive.
                           The crowds wave their hands in the air and stand in unison.
Sometimes, I love being in the crowd.
                                                       They move, and I go with the flow.

I feel Alive, too :)

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