
Friday, August 8, 2014

Friday, August 8, 2014
today, I'd like to blog about making new friends.
its difficult. it takes effort to step out of your comfort zone to take initiative and start a conversation. often times, these begin with small talks. meaningless fake small talks. information which you might very quickly forget by the next meeting. but when one is truthful towards another, a relationship is built.
somehow, these many encounters still does not reveal one's true self to another. You know, my SKSS attachment mate was even surprised with the number of ppl I greet around in NIE. He said I had been so quiet in SKSS... Haha. in some instances where you know these people come and go and the chances of meeting them again is so slim, do you put in less effort? Yes I did.
Well. It has only been 2 weeks.  Im comforted enough that my NIE groupmates are a  nice bunch of people. We might not have met up as often as the other groups, but we got things done so efficiently, we even came in 3rd in costume design! I believe such rewards are an affirmation for my group (or anyone) for the efforts put in.  Affirmation that we can do better, maintain this standard.
It takes time to get to know each other over lunch, even though such meals take a looooong time to compromise on the most suitable dining location, the difficulty in finding a dining place big enough to accommodate a GROUP. we did it, with some shifting of tables into awkward formations at KFC. haha it was fun.  Despite how much I just wanna race home after school each day.
These people are nice.
It feels like I have started anew. On a fresh clean slate. Knowing new people. Meeting new people. Letting them a peak of AY's life.

My friend told me that she has no new friends at work cos all her colleagues are middle aged people. She was envious that I have new friends. I will hold on to this opportunity.

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